Trisha's Thoughts

What I Believe…..

When I was young I was taken to church every Sunday where I learned about God and Jesus his Holy son who had come to die on the cross in order to cleanse our sins.  I really didn’t like church.  Don’t get me wrong, I liked the social part of going to Sunday school and playing with my friends and making really cool crafts, but for some reason church just wasn’t my thing.  Still to this day, it’s not my thing, but I’ve always been spiritual, and I’ve always believed in the faith that there is something out there (my God) that is the reason we are all here.  Do I believe in what the Bible says?  Sure, but I don’t think that it’s the only word out there.  I don’t believe that any one religion is right and that the other one is wrong.  To think that would be like saying, ‘I’m right and you’re wrong, enough said’…..really?  Who says?  Your God?  You may not agree with me, and that’s ok, but read on…..

So I’ve decided this year to start treating my body, mind, and spirit even better than I ever have before in my lifetime and get rid of any negativity that still exist within my World.  Why you ask?  Well, I’m 42 years old, (soon to be 43 in April 2012), and I’ve come to the realization that I’m not getting any younger (well duh!) and also realized that every time that I’ve gotten rid of negativity and drama I always feel so much better!  My spirituality has become stronger and stronger the past couple of years and my love for myself has also become stronger.  I’ve taken the guilt, which I’ve brought onto myself over the years, and turned it into a learning tool…..

I’ve learned along the way that life is too short to worry about negative things and negative people.  In fact just recently I had an old friend lose his sister right before Christmas.  Gone in an instant, she simply was walking across the street, in a crosswalk mind you, and a truck hit her at a slow speed while turning the corner (around 5 mph).  She died from the impact.  Gone in a flash, just like that!  I didn’t know her well, but knew who she was, and then I learned a little about her: She was full of life even after being blinded in one eye and almost 80% blind in the other from an attempt on her life by her own hand when she was younger and very depressed.  After that attempt, she realized that she must have survived for a reason and started to love life with a passion!  She accomplished many things and was even a personal trainer, helping people feel better about themselves.  You see she learned to love life!  She learned to make the most of it and just be happy!  And she taught me on the day that she died, that life is too short to not make the most of the life that you have left.  I know that her death, though tragic for her family, was an eye opener for myself as well, I’m sure, for many other people.  Even through her death she is still helping people!  Her brother would be proud!

There are people who are out there that will hate you, be envious of you, and will try to do things to make you miserable.  There are people that will hate your religion and beliefs because they are to ignorant and closed minded to believe that maybe their religion might not be 100% accurate.  It’s a given that this will happen, but you can’t worry about those people.  For every one person that hates you and your beliefs, there are 100’s of others that like you for you and don’t care what your beliefs are!

You are a beautiful person, so let it shine!  If you’re struggling with your inner Demons, don’t!  Everyone has problems, and guess what?  That problem that you have, I guarantee that there are 1000’s of people out there that have, or have had, the same problem.  You’re not alone… quit your whining and do something about the sadness of your guilt, regret, and your mistakes you’ve made as a parent or as a child, and learn from it.   Change it into something positive and teach other people by doing.  Show yourself and them how you can overcome!  How strong you are!

I believe that death isn’t the end.  I believe that our spirit moves on and goes to its next journey.  I believe in Faith.  I believe in Karma.  I believe in Me.  And I believe in You.…..

Until next time…..

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  1. Michele Burrow says:

    Beautifully said. 🙂

    1. Trisha says:

      Thank you Michele. 🙂

  2. You are amazing and blow me away!…..Mom

  3. Michelle (your BF) says:

    I just love you more and more…

    I really needed to hear that…”F” my inner demons!

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