Fitness Trisha's Thoughts

What Does Getting Fit Mean To You?

Getting fit.  What does that really mean?  More importantly, what does getting fit mean to you?

Back in my twenties it meant looking hot in that bikini.  It wasn’t so much about being healthy, it was more for the aesthetics of it all.  I wanted to be the prettiest one in the room, the hottest one to walk in and turn those heads.

Now don’t get me wrong, I would still love to be the prettiest one in the room (who wouldn’t), but it’s just not as important to me now as it once was. This is one of the positives of getting older.  You still want to look good, but you really don’t give two shits about what other people think any longer.  It’s now about what you think about yourself and growing old gracefully.

I think of all of the things I missed out on when I was young for the simple fact that I felt ‘fat’ or I didn’t look good enough that day.  I remember one time we went to a barbecue with the kids and they had a pool. I wouldn’t go in the pool because I was too worried about what everyone would think of me.  I missed out that day on having fun and memories with my children because I was too worried about someone seeing my cellulite. Oh the horror!  Looking back at that one incident now I see how ridiculous I was, and I never want to be like that again.

Now at almost 50 getting fit to me is about being healthy and being strong. I know that the older we get we lose muscle and our bones become more brittle, so lifting weights and building muscle will actually help with both of these things.  I want to be a strong grandmother, a strong old lady, a healthy mother. Yes, I will still wake up with aches and pains it’s part of aging, but I will be able to heal faster, walk further, dance longer, and live a healthier life so that I can make those memories with my children and my grandchildren that I missed out on when I was young and naive.

Until next time…

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  1. Suzette Gaddis says:

    Thanks for the inspiration! I needed this.

    1. You’re very welcome.

  2. Do you know how much I admire you and love you?

    1. Yes! I love you too.

  3. I can relate to all you said Trisha! 🙂 Thanks.

    1. You’re welcome!

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