
Racism Is Alive and Well And YOU Are Part of The Problem

As the Presidential elections dwindle down and we move on to the Christmas holiday’s I see something happening within my friends and family and within myself.  I see our differences of religion, race, political issues, and such coming between some of us, more so than in previous years past.  Seems as a country we are starting to turn on each other and I put a lot of the blame, if not most of it, on the media.  But I do put the blame on all of us as individuals.

I see the media putting gasoline onto the fire trying to turn us against each other and our beliefs.  For instance, the media always hypes up the white on black crime, but never elaborates on the black on white crime.  Seems they are always trying to start some sort of race war, making the blacks hate the whites.  Then you have the media telling you that all Muslim’s are terrorists,  they forget to elaborate that what we do as a country to them is considered terrorism as well.  It’s OK for us to bomb the shit out of them, we just call it payback, but one never thinks about how one sided this is.  Same with the ‘race wars’.  Everyone’s screaming that if you don’t like Obama you’re a racist!  If you belong to the Tea Party you’re a racist!  If you’re white you’re a racist!

Well, I’m personally sick of all of this one sided shit!  Sure, I spew racist terms here and there, but who doesn’t?  If you’re black you say things about us white people, if you’re Mexican you say things about the black people, if you’re Muslim you say things about the Jewish people, and if your Jewish you say things about……well, you get where I’m going with this right?  Everybody spews racist terms around once in awhile, some of you more than others.  We are all racist to a point.  Don’t deny it, you are.  Quit trying to be so damn ‘I love everybody no matter what their skin color, race, religion, etc…..’  We can love each other, but it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a difference in our cultures.  This difference is what makes us different.  We may not like that difference in that culture and to not like that difference isn’t racist really, it may be just something that we don’t like, or more importantly, probably something that we just don’t understand about that race, religion, culture, or sex.

To be racist is to be a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.  Face it, whoever you may be, haven’t you ever thought that your race was more superior than another.  I know I have.  I know some of my friends, black, white, Mexican, and Asian have before as well.  We have all thought of ourselves to be superior to another race, religion, etc. at one time, but most of us won’t admit it.

When I was in high school I had these black girls who would taunt me and call me whitey, cracker, white bitch, etc. (among other things attached to make a very racist sentence) every time I would walk by.  This was a scary time for me.  This was a form of ‘racial slurring’.  So don’t tell me that “because I’m white I don’t know what it’s like’.  I’m also a woman, I know what it’s like to be looked down upon.

In America you can’t say anything without offending someone. I’m tired of how thin skinned everyone has become here.  You know, in most of the World, racism is alive and in your face.  It’s on TV commercials, it’s in ads, it’s in day to day life.  I’ve seen it.  It’s not pretty, but it’s there.  People have thick skins and don’t whine about it, they just deal.

I guess my point is, quit your whining.  We aren’t all the same so quit saying that we are, but we are all human beings, we all bleed red.  You are not superior to me and I am not superior to you because of my race, religion, or sex, but things will never change unless we start to take responsibility for our own actions, and things will just get worse unless we learn to live with the differences that make us a nation as one.

Until next time…..

Image courtesy of [image creator name] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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1 Comment

  1. Again, my sweet daughter…WELL SAID!

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