
Motivation Is Hard

How many times have you said, “I’m going to start today?” I’m guessing a lot. If you’re like me it’s always a Sunday, but come around Sunday you find another excuse to not start…I’ll just start Monday…and the cycle goes on and on.

You read all of the articles, watch motivation video’s, etc., yet you’re still not motivated.

What in the world could get you motivated?

Motivation: :

a: the act or process of motivating Some students need motivation to help them through school.

b: the condition of being motivated employees who lack motivation

2: a motivating force, stimulus, or influence INCENTIVE, DRIVE the Old Testament heroes added religious motivation to the waging of war— Richard Humble The fear of failure was the motivation for his achievements.

OK, so there’s the definition according to Merriam-Webster. Still not helping right? We all know what it means, but how do we put it into action?

Well don’t fret. Each person is different and will go at their own pace. When your mind is ready to motivate you it will. Don’t think that those of us and get up and exercise every day don’t lack motivation at times cause we do. Nobody’s perfect.

Every day I have to motivate myself to work out. I have never gotten up and said, “whoo hooo! I get to exercise today!” Nope…every day I wake up and I think, “God I wish I didn’t have to work out.” But then I remember how I feel after I do, and look at myself in the mirror and see the changes my body has gone through because of the discipline. Most of all, I remember how I looked and felt before all of this exercising and eating healthy, how I’m blessed to be able to move my body and build my strength, and THAT is what motivates me.

I won’t lie, I have my days where I eat pizza, taco’s, cake, and drink a martini or two, but the next day I get right back on track. I don’t make myself feel guilty that I ate that or drank that either. I enjoy it…it’s ok to enjoy food. It’s one of life’s little pleasures. Don’t hate yourself if you fall off “the wagon” so to speak.

You’ve got this.

Until next time…

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1 Comment

  1. Karen Jost says:

    Yep..I STILL have to work on my motivation, even after ALL of these years!!

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