Trisha's Thoughts

Death Will Come

The tragedy that my family has been though in the last six months is beyond words.

Hearing your mother cry like you’ve never heard her cry before after losing, first her husband, and then her brother. Hearing your cousin tell the story of her father’s sudden passing and how she found out. Listening to the pain in my mother’s voice as she told me the story of how someone she considered family suddenly turned on her.

One day all is good, and then the next it isn’t. Some say well that’s just life. I guess I always said that too, until it happened to me. Yes, it is life, but damn.

The pain associated with a death you knew was coming and a sudden death are each horrible in their own way. The shock and the sadness. The loss and the pain.

I can only imagine what they are going through as my pain, I’m sure, isn’t as great as theirs.

The tears have been great as I’m sure you can imagine, but the love and outpouring of comfort from family and friends has been amazing. I’m sure this has helped them cope in some way, at least I hope that it has.

As a daughter, a cousin, a sister, a mother, and a grandmother who has never felt this pain, I know that it is coming for me one day, and I wish I could stop it. It is part of life…it is part of God’s will.

It is what it is…it’s life.

Life is a great sunrise.
I do not see why death should not be an even greater one.
-Vladimir Nobokov

Until next time…

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1 Comment

  1. I have no words my dear daughter. Beautifully written. I love you SO very much!

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