
A Nation Of Politically Correct Pussies

UXSYMWe are a nation of pussies.  Our America as we know it has purposely been dumbed down by the powers that be for part of an agenda to gain total control by our government.

A football team with the name Redskins is now in danger of losing their name that they’ve had since the 1960’s because a few Indians think it’s racist as well as some politicians trying to score some brownie points.  If anything this name was given to the team to promote a team of Indians that will kick some ass against their rivals, nothing more. It was a name given to show strength of the team itself as an American Indian who is strong and powerful.

Because of the PC movement we have become a dumbed down America that has turned into a nation of pussies that can’t say or do anything without hurting someone’s feelings.  Especially if you’re white and conservative, be careful of what you say or do, the libtards may be lurking!

Let me point out a few other things:

  1. If I’m white and I don’t like Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or any famous person that’s black, I’m racist.  Now if they are any other color it’s ok, but if they’re black I’m called a racist.  Why is that?  I know you’re thinking I’m a racist for even bringing this up…
  2. If I don’t agree with gay marriage, than I’m a homophobe.
  3. If I want the right to keep my guns, I’m a crazy gun tote’n Annie Oakley.
  4. According to a new Army manual, U.S. soldiers will now be instructed to avoid “any criticism of pedophilia” and to avoid criticizing “anything related to Islam”.  Why?  Good Lord!  Let those child molesters fly their flags high right!?
  5. Authorities are cracking down on public expressions of the Christian faith all over the nation, and yet atheists in New York City are allowed to put up an extremely offensive billboard in Time Square this holiday season that shows a picture of Jesus on the cross underneath a picture of Santa with the following tagline: “Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!”  Christians are becoming more hated than the Jews!  Now I’m racist for mentioning Jews…ugh…
  6. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against criminals because it has a “disproportionate” impact on minorities.  So are they actually admitting that minorities are more prone to be criminals?  That’s pretty racist EEOC.
  7. Down in California, Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill that will allow large numbers of illegal immigrants to legally get California driver’s licenses.  Who voted for this idiot…AGAIN!
  8. At one high school down in California, five students were sent home from school for wearing shirts that displayed the American flag on the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.  Come on folks, let’s just call California what it really is, Mexico.
  9. The University of Minnesota – Duluth (UMD) initiated an aggressive advertising campaign earlier this year that included online videos, billboards, and lectures that sought to raise awareness about “white privilege“.  Wow!  Really?  Well…
  10. Volunteer chaplains for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department have been banned from using the name of Jesus on government property.  Put a fork in it. Our government is done…
  11. All over the country, the term “manhole” is being replaced with the terms “utility hole” or “maintenance hole”. *eye roll…*
  12. If I state the fact that there are more blacks and hispanics in our prisons, than I am a racist.  I’m just stating a fact…freaking retards!  Oh crap!  I said retard!  Isn’t the term mentally challenged now?  In my book if you’re acting mentally challenged then your a retard still.  Ugh!

These are just a few of the seriously ridiculous examples I found.  I know for a fact that there are plenty more where those came from!

Maybe we should rise up and stop being so offended at everything.  Make America what it used to be!  Do you realize that the rest of the world laughs at us and our ‘America is the best, we are better than the rest’ attitude?  We aren’t that special people.

Maybe I find the term ‘cracker’ offensive.  Maybe instead of calling crackers crackers, we should call them biscuits like the British do.  Maybe we should call us white people European-Americans instead of white.  Hmmmm?  You get my point.

We can’t offend anyone any more.  It’s a crime, and the sad thing is most of these things that offend people aren’t even harmful!  It’s because, once again I’ll say, the nation has become a bunch of PC Pussies!

To end my rant I would like to say that we are all a little racist at times.  You may say no, but you would be lying.  I love my fellow man no matter what color, race, religion.  But if you’re a bad person, no matter what color you are, I don’t want anything to do with you.  It’s that simple.

Peace and Love my friends!

Until next time…

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  1. Mom says:

    You should write a column in a newspaper or magazine. Get paid for your writings. They are SO TRUE! Once again, honey, well said! Love you!

  2. nice stuff! Don’t worry, if you’ve been to Europe- you oughta know its even worse here… Fat, politicaly correct pussies accepting their enslavement and happy to eat shitfood, drink shit and watch shit on TV.

    They are the problem. The mass doesn’t have the MASS though.


  3. M. B. says:

    It’s a sad world that we live in today. Unfortunately this mentality is drilled into our children daily by liberal minded teachers. It’s unbelievable the crap that they’re fed on a daily basis. This is where it all begins and this is where it needs to stop. It’s amazing to me that we allow our children’s young impressionable minds to be manipulated in this manor.

  4. Our public schools indoctrinate students with political correctness. Young men become emasculated. Are these the new sissies? It’s truly pathetic to see our great nation come to this.

  5. Mike Mac Arthur says:

    I shouldn’t have to be embarrassed to be American God bless you I hope some day the world will respect the U.S again.

  6. Jeff Martinez says:

    OK let’s get one thing straight here; you’re EXACTLY right in everything you said. I’m Ute and Apache Indian with a Spanish last name thanks to the merry boats sent over by Spanish royalty in 14- whatever. My forefathers like most all of ours fought in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, and the Korean war. I’d have to say, from the values I learned from what I was taught there is a mass pussification of the US. Seems they want us that way. Afraid to stand up for our values. I’m Christian and live in Tennessee now and folks here love God, guns and pick-up trucks. It seems however that there is a huge influx of people moving here that want us to abide by the majority beliefs of california or new york. People used to fear the US in WW2 when men were men and guns were wood. Say what you want ma’am by your uniform- you have the right and by being a White Woman with a voice and opinion you still have the right. If people can’t handle facts, they can go. I’ll back you with my prayers, guns and American attitude.

  7. Norman Carrion says:

    You are so right, I agree with most of what you have said. I use that phrase all the time the dumbing down of America. Our younger generation looks at the Kardashians as heroes because they make money, and Kanye for goodness sake. And as for White Privilege what is that? How about Minority privilege? How about facts and figures and numbers. Unreal.

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