Trisha's Thoughts

Media Lies: Shooting In Charleston Hate Crime?

OMG here we go again.

The shooting in Charleston is a horrible thing, in fact it’s a tragedy, but the media is up to their old tricks once again.  Check out this picture:

charlestonWhat do you see wrong with this picture?

Look at the last two bullet points…see it?  RIGHT!

They are saying it’s a hate crime, but the next bullet point down they are saying that the motive is unknown.

So…how do you know that it’s a “hate crime” if the motive isn’t known yet?

You don’t.  This is proof that the media is stirring up a shit storm, and not just KTLA my friends.  The media around the world is saying this is a hate crime with absolutely no evidence to back it up!  The media is also using this as a ploy to bring up the gun law issue once again.  Fuck that!

This is why I don’t watch the news my friends.  The media LIES!  The only time I watch the news is in the morning for the traffic so that I can see if my husband is going to have a bad time on the 405 on his way to work, and then I turn it off.  Of course I usually see the headline stories along the way; they are good for a chuckle.

I’m afraid for America my friends.  Way too many people believing this crap the media shows them on TV.  Get the whole story before you start your rants my friends.  Give this story a chance to develop instead of believing what the media tells you in the beginning.  The story will change, but the “hate crime” issue and the “gun control” issue will still be a big part of it. I guarantee it.

That’s all for now.  Pray for the families of the dead, and pray for this person involved.  Yes, the shooter. Pray he doesn’t kill anyone else.  Also pray for the media that they would take such a tragic story and use it for their own agenda.  Shame, shame, shame *rings bell*…

Until next time…



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1 Comment

  1. Mom says:

    AMEN daughter!

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