If you’re a good Christian you don’t have to tell the world. In fact you don’t have to tell any one. That’s something between you and your God. In fact I’ve learned along the way that the best Christian, or the best in any religion, are the ones who don’t have to announce it to …
Hugs With Strangers
It’s one of the most wonderful feelings in life…the hug. Whether it’s from a family member, a friend, or even a stranger there is something to be said about how that one simple act can brighten ones day. Last weekend my son and I went to Comic Con in London and as we walked around …
Some More Things I’ve Learned Along The Way…..
Just because someone leaves you doesn’t mean they don’t love you…..there is a story that is true that they will tell you one day about the reason it happened. You will get their side of the story so that you will then have both sides. You will find out the truth, and then, and only …
Birthday Reflections
My birthday was yesterday and I decided to take a good long look at myself in the mirror. I’m not 24, or even 34, any longer. I’m 44 years old and I think I look pretty damn good for my age. My skin is soft, sure I have a few dimples, and stretch marks, and …
My Thoughts On The 85th Academy Awards
First off, I think the Oscars is a sham. It’s a highly political awards show that’s all about who is politically in tune, who’s kissing who’s butt, and all of that Hollywood crud. It’s a who looks best in what, who said what, who did what show of the most famous and elite and the …
What Am I Thankful For?
Today is Thanksgiving and I’m in the UK where they don’t celebrate it. The closest place that is serving Thanksgiving dinner is in London and that’s because that’s where most of the ex-pats live, so some of the pubs have the ‘traditional’ thanksgiving dinner. My husband is in Brussels all day for work and won’t …