Motivation Is Hard

How many times have you said, “I’m going to start today?” I’m guessing a lot. If you’re like me it’s always a Sunday, but come around Sunday you find another excuse to not start…I’ll just start Monday…and the cycle goes on and on. You read all of the articles, watch motivation video’s, etc., yet you’re …

Building Each Other Up

At the gym in my complex there is a view of the main pool.  As I worked out on the dreaded elliptical machine I observed some people around the pool.  Not just a casual observation, mind you, but an observation mainly on how women act around the pool. It’s interesting if you really watch.  You …

“Good Christians”

If you’re a good Christian you don’t have to tell the world.  In fact you don’t have to tell any one.  That’s something between you and your God. In fact I’ve learned along the way that the best Christian, or the best in any religion, are the ones who don’t have to announce it to …